Tour Down Under 2020 Subaru Stage 3 Thursday 23rd Jan

It is that time of year again the Tour Down Under is coming through our next-door neighbour towns of Summertown, Uraidla and Carey Gully. This means that getting to the quarry might be difficult on the day, so please use the map below as a guide to working out a good route.

I have included alternate (bikes will be everywhere!) routes to avoid the main race, these include the Basket Range and Carey Gully Quarries.

This year the TDU is coming through Summertown and Uraidla and then through Carey Gully on the 23rd of January. The race will start at 11 am from King William Rd coming up the side of the freeway (roughly 16mins), they will then travel through Crafers, Piccadilly, Summertown and Uraidla (roughly 23mins). Finally travelling through Carey Gully to Deviation Rd ending up on Lobethal Rd (roughly 15 mins).

The roads will have rolling road blocks along the course in our area between 11:20 am and 12:20 pm. Please use the safer routes to avoid delays on the day.

  • Main TDU Route – Orange
  • Alternate Routes – Blue

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