Basket Range Sandstone Newsletter Volume 6 – 2017

In this Issue:

  • Introduction
  • Product in profile
    Carey Gully Retaining Blocks
  • Product in profile
    Random Quarry Face Veneer
  • Completed Projects

Welcome Everyone,

In this newsletter we will be looking at one of our Carey Gully products as well as a Basket Range product.

We have received some photos of newly completed projects and we hope they will give you some great ideas for your own home or garden.

Don’t forget if you have any photos of your own projects please send them in.

All The Best From BRS.

Hartshorne Landscaping Random Paving & Sawn Wallers
Hartshorne Landscaping Random Paving & Sawn Wallers

Alan Sheppard Constructions 110mm Stone Bricks
Alan Sheppard Constructions 110mm Stone Bricks


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