Basket Range Sandstone Newsletter Volume 5 – 2016

In this Issue:

  • Introduction
  • Product in profile
    Rock Face
  • Stonemason in Profile
    Custom Stonework
  • Carey Gully Sandstone
    Product Update

Welcome Everyone,

In this newsletter we will be looking at our Rock Face sandstone, as well as getting to know one of the local stonemasons.

Our future newsletters will not only be focusing on our sandstone product range but also stonemasons who work with our stone regularly. This will hopefully give you a feel for their passion and experience.

Also we would like to show you some of the great new products at Carey Gully Sandstone. Pictured is a wonderful project incorporating our stone.

We hope you enjoy our newsletter and get some great ideas.

All The Best From BRS.

Salisbury East High School - Carey Gully Sawn Stone
Salisbury East High School – Carey Gully Sawn Stone

Salisbury East High School Memorial - Carey Gully Sawn Stone
Salisbury East High School Memorial – Carey Gully Sawn Stone
SEHS Memorial - Carey Gully Sawn Stone
SEHS Memorial – Carey Gully Sawn Stone

Salisbury East High School Memorial

Russell and Yelland
Ph: 8172 8700

Pascale Construction
Ph: 8362 5840

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